Public Relations, COVID-19 Response Plan


In light of the pandemic and the subsequent temporary closure of beauty salons, Tweezerman realized that Canadians would need to turn to at-home grooming solutions to maintain their beauty routines. To address this need, Tweezerman commissioned Naloi Media Group to launch an educational program aimed at teaching Canadians how to effectively use their salon-quality grooming tools at home.


  • Craft relevant stories to increase brand awareness
  • Develop a targeted media list and press info, education and samples
  • Utilize a creative approach to showcase the product’s versatility and functionality
  • Highlight the value of investing in high-quality grooming tools during times of limited salon access
  • Emphasize the benefits of at-home grooming, such as convenience and cost-effectiveness


  • 2.2M PR Impressions
  • Secured national PR placements in top beauty industry publications such as FASHION Magazine, FLARE, HELLO! Canada, and Global’s The Morning Show.

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